Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to information that LivWell Natural Health, LLC and its affiliates (referred to collectively in this Privacy Policy as “LivWell Natural Health”, “we,” “us,” “our,” “company” and other similar pronouns) collect through websites such as this website and mobile applications which make this Privacy Policy available (“Services”).

This Privacy Policy explains the types of information we may collect, how we may use and disclose the information once it is collected, and, where applicable, how you can stop us from collecting, using, disclosing or continuing to hold your information. By accessing or using the Services, or otherwise manifesting your assent to this Privacy Policy, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to (or cannot comply with) all of the terms of this Privacy Policy you may not access or use the Services. Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to information that you may provide to us, or that we may obtain, where a separate privacy policy is made available to you or in relation to services which do not make this Privacy Policy available.

1. What information may be collected?

User-Provided Information:

During your use of a Service (whether as a registered or unregistered user), you may provide us with personal information, such as your name, e-mail address, phone number, city and state (or region), information provided in emails to us, or other information that could be used to identify you as an individual or allow someone to contact you, as well as any information that relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to you (collectively, “Personal Information”). Personal Information can be collected directly from you or indirectly as described below.

Other Data:

As is typical of many web sites and mobile applications, when you use our Services, we may collect information about your device and your usage of our Services including: Your IP address (which we may associate with your domain name or that of your Internet access provider or wireless carrier, and your location); Unique ID number associated with your device; Other unique identifiers such as advertising identifiers; Web browser and operating system information; Language of your device; Wireless connections you are using; Referring page that linked you to us; Your activities, including browsing and transaction history; Pages, content, and ads you view or click on during your use of our Services, and when and for how long you do so; The next web site you visit after leaving our web site; and * Search terms you enter on our Services or a referral site. In addition, we may deploy tracking technologies through our Services to collect additional information about your use of the Services, as set out in the “Cookies and other tracking technologies” section of this Privacy Policy.

Under some applicable laws we are required to specify the lawful basis for the processing of your Personal Information. Where you have given your express consent, that will be the lawful basis for processing unless otherwise stated. In other cases the lawful basis will either be that the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you in respect of the use of Services or your account, or necessary for our legitimate interests in using your information as described below in ‘2. How is your Personal Information used?’.

2. How is your information used?

We or our service providers may use the Personal Information we collect from or about you to perform the following functions:

  • administer our Services and your account with us;

  • enable you to use our Services and their features;

  • customize our Services to your interests and history with us;

  • conduct market research;

  • improve or develop new features and offerings in our Services;

  • tailor ads displayed to you in our Services and elsewhere;

  • send you marketing and other communications, including information about products, services, or events that we think might be of interest to you;

  • assess your level of interest in and use of our Services, e-mails, and other messaging campaigns, both on an individual basis and in aggregate;

  • generate analytics reports on the usage of our Services; and

  • respond to your requests, questions, and concerns protecting our rights and property.

We may also use Personal Information to meet our internal and external audit requirements and for information security purposes. Where permissible under applicable law, your Personal Information may be used for other purposes, which will be disclosed to you at the time when your information is collected. There may be instances, however, when we will use your Personal Information for purposes that were not disclosed at the time of the data collection; for example, when doing so is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or requirement. We may use Personal Information to (a) respond to requests from courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, and other public and government authorities, which may include such authorities outside your country of residence; (b) enforce our terms and conditions; and (c) protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, or those of other persons. We may also use Personal Information in connection with a proposed corporate change or dissolution, including for example a merger, acquisition, reorganization, consolidation, bankruptcy, liquidation, sale of assets or wind down of business.

3. How do we share the information we collect?

We may share your information:

  • with our lawyers, auditors, and other professional advisors, third party advertising companies (including exchanges and brokers) and third-party providers of services such as cloud storage, customer relationship management systems, travel and expense management, analytics databases, who need your information to provide services to us (or on our behalf);

  • when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or property, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government agency, law enforcement, judicial or public authority, or other legal request, or to comply with the law;

  • in connection with a proposed corporate change or dissolution, including for example a merger, acquisition, reorganization, consolidation, bankruptcy, liquidation, sale of assets or wind down of business.

  • with our third-party promotional and marketing partners, including, without limitation, businesses participating in our various programs.

  • with our parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, joint ventures, or other companies under common control in order to support marketing, sale and delivery of any service.

We may analyze your information in aggregate form to operate maintain, manage, and improve the Services. We may share non-personally identifiable information about usage of the Services (including aggregate data) with other third parties, including our affiliates, agents, and business partners, for their own use, in a de-identified form.

In addition, what you voluntarily post to public areas of our Service may be available to other Service users.

4. How do we secure your Personal Information?

We use reasonable technical, administrative and physical security measures designed to protect Personal Information collected via our Services. We cannot guarantee that any information, during transmission through the Internet or while stored on our systems or otherwise in our care, will be absolutely safe from unauthorized access or use (e.g., by hackers). You use the Services, and send us information, at your own risk.

If you correspond with us by e-mail, text message, or using a “Contact us” feature on our Service, a third party could intercept the information you send in transit, and you should therefore take special care in deciding what information you send. We have no liability relating to disclosure of your information due to errors, omissions or unauthorized acts or failures to act by third parties during or after transmission.

If you create an account on our Services, you are responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality of your account password, and you shall be responsible for any activity, including disclosure of your Personal Information, that occurs using your account credentials, whether or not you authorized such activity. Please notify us of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security. You are not permitted to share your password with anyone. If you share your password with another person, we reserve the right to immediately terminate your access to the Services.

By registering for Services, you agree to enter true and accurate information as part of the registration, purchase process and otherwise. If you enter a false email address, or other false or inaccurate information, we have the right to immediately inactivate your account or block your participation in any feature delivered on or through this website or the Services.

5. Cookies and other tracking technologies

We, and/or our service providers or partners on our behalf, may use tracking technologies, which may run on your device when you use the Services. A cookie banner will be displayed to users of our Services who are located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or the UK, which will invite users to give their consent, where applicable, and will provide further options in respect of the management of cookies. The circumstances in which we may deploy tracking technologies include:

We may use cookies or local shared objects, such as “Flash cookies.” Cookies are small packets of data that a website stores on your computer’s or mobile device’s hard drive (or other storage medium) so that your computer will “remember” information about your visit. We may use both first- and third-party session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies make it easier for you to navigate our Services; a session ID cookie expires when you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time or until you delete them. You can remove persistent cookies by following directions provided in your web browser’s “help” file. To the extent we provide a log-in portal or related feature on our Services, persistent cookies can be used to store your passwords so that you don’t have to enter it more than once. Persistent cookies also enable us to track and target the interests of our visitors to personalize the experience on our Services. Similar to many other websites, if you have enabled cookies in your browser, we, independently and through enabled third-party tools and programs, may collect certain technical information using cookies, such as originating IP address, browser type, browser language, how a user got to the Service (i.e., the URL of the last website you visited), the next website the user visits, what pages are visited, the length of each site visit, and the date and time of the user’s visit. This information helps us track trends and improve user experiences when using the Services.

HTML5 may be used to store information on your computer or device about your Service usage activities. This information can be retrieved by us to determine how our Services are being used by our visitors, how our Services may be improved, and to customize our Services for our users.

We may send instructions to your computer or device using JavaScript or other computer languages to gather the sorts of information described above and other details about your interactions with the Service.

These tracking technologies may be deployed by us and/or our service providers or partners on our behalf (for more information on our Third Party Analytics Providers and Third Party Ad Servers and Networks, see below). These technologies enable us to assign a unique number to your computer or device and relate information about your use of the Services to other information about you, including your Personal Information. These technologies also enable us to recognize you when you access our Services using different web browsers or devices.

You can manage website cookies in your browser settings. If you choose to change your settings, you may find that certain functions and features will not work as intended on the Services. All browser settings are slightly different, so to manage cookies, you should refer to the relevant settings within your browser. If you would like to obtain more detailed information about types of cookies, how they are used, and how you can manage your cookie preferences you may want to visit: or

6. Links and connections to Third Party Services

Social Networks:

We maintain a presence on social media and other external platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram. We may occasionally incorporate third party social networking features into our Services. This Privacy Policy applies to our use of information you submit to us there, but it does not apply to what those third-party platforms do with your information.

Our Services may allow you to share information with us that you have already provided to a third-party social networking platform. For example, you may be able to create an account on our Service or log in to our Service using your Facebook account or other third-party credentials. If you do so, Personal Information or other data that you have provided to the third party may be made available to us by that third party subject to its own privacy policy, terms, and conditions. Privacy policies of social networks and other external platforms explain how those third parties use, protect, and share your information, including any information you share on those platforms from our Services, and we encourage you to read them. The information we receive from these platforms may depend on your privacy settings.

We may also include tools in our Services that allow you to share or publicly post content from our Services to your profile on a third-party social network. You may choose to share information about your activities on the Service with such third-party platforms and its users, including publishing your information about what content you may have viewed on our Services. If you visit a Service while logged into certain social media platforms, the social media platform may be able to identify your browser and associate the technical information provided by your web browser with other information that they have already collected about you, which may result in their ability to identify you. In addition, when you choose to share information about your activities on the Service with certain social media platforms, we may send technical information about you to that platform as well as information about what content you are viewing.

Third-Party Websites and Content:

Our Services may allow access to third party content and services and may contain links, banners, widgets, or advertisements that lead to third-party websites. We are not responsible for these other websites or services, and so their posted privacy policies (not this Privacy Policy) will govern the collection and use of your information through them. For example, the Services may utilize YouTube’s API Services. When you engage YouTube’s content and services through our Services, YouTube’s Terms of Service located at and Google’s privacy policy located at controls shall apply. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of services visited through our Services or websites visited after leaving our Services to learn about how your information is treated by others.

Co-Sponsored Content:

Our Services may contain certain co-sponsored content and you may be requested to provide additional Personal Information to the co-sponsor of such content. We will disclose to you when you are submitting Personal Information to co-sponsors. The information practices of any third-party co-sponsors are governed by their own privacy policies and are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

Third-Party Analytics Providers:

We use one or more third-party analytics services to evaluate your use of the Services by compiling reports on activity (based on their collection of IP addresses, Internet service provider, browser type, operating system and language, referring and exit pages and URLs, data and time, amount of time spent on particular pages, what sections of the Services you visit, number of links clicked, search terms and other similar usage data) and analyzing performance metrics. These third parties use cookies and other technologies to help collect, analyze, and provide us reports or other data.

Outside the EEA and the UK, by accessing and using the Services, you consent to the processing of data about you by these analytics providers in the manner and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. For more information on these third parties, including how to opt out from certain data collection, please visit the sites below. Please be advised that if you opt out of any third-party data collection, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Services.

Third-Party Ad Servers and Networks:

We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Services. When you view an advertisement, whether or not you click on it, the advertiser, advertising technology companies, web analytics companies and service providers that perform advertising-related services for us and our business partners may collect some information from or about you. These companies may use information about your visits to the Services, the geographic location where your IP address indicates you are located, as well as other information about (which such companies may obtain via your use of our Services or elsewhere) you in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. These advertisements may appear in our Services and on other online properties or mobile applications. These companies may employ cookies, clear GIFs and other tracking technologies to cause relevant ads to be displayed to you. We do not control any such technologies that may appear in our Services or other online properties or mobile applications. The information practices of these third parties are governed by their own privacy policies and are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

Outside the EEA and the UK, by accessing and using the Services, you consent to the processing of data about you by these advertising providers in the manner and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. For more information about third-party advertisers and how to prevent them from using your information, please visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-Out Page at: To opt out of interest-based advertising by participating Digital Advertising Alliance members: For US residents, please go to:

7. Do Not Track Disclosures

Some web browsers may transmit “do-not-track” (“DNT”) signals to mobile applications with which the user communicates. We currently do not change our tracking practices (which are explained in more detail under “Service Usage Information” above) in response to DNT settings in your web browser.

8. Opt Out of E-mail Marketing

You can opt out of our promotional e-mails by clicking the opt-out/unsubscribe link within the e-mail you receive. Please understand that it may take us a few days to process any opt out request and that even if you opt out of receiving promotional correspondence from us, we may still contact you in connection with your relationship, activities, transactions, and communications with us.

9. Deletion Requests

You may request deletion of Personal Information collected or maintained by us. To do so, please submit a request by email to We may ask for additional information to verify your request.

10. State Privacy Rights 

California Privacy Rights:

Pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, residents of California have the right to obtain certain information about the types of personal information that companies with whom they have an established business relationship (and that are not otherwise exempt) have shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year, including the names and addresses of those third parties, and examples of the types of services or products marketed by those third parties. If you wish to submit a request pursuant to Section 1798.83, please contact us via email at

Nevada Privacy Rights:

If you are a resident of Nevada, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of certain personal information to third parties who intend to license or sell that personal information. You can exercise this right by contacting us at with the subject line “Nevada Do Not Sell Request” and providing us with your name and the email address associated with your account. Please note that we do not currently sell your personal information as sales are defined in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A.

11. EEA and UK Privacy Rights

In countries within the EEA, and in the UK, you have the right, in certain circumstances, to (i) require us delete your Personal Information, (ii) require us to restrict processing of your Personal Information (for example, if you contest the accuracy of that information), (iii) receive a copy of the Personal Information you provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and/or instruct us to transmit that data to a third party; and (iv) object to our continued processing of your Personal Information, for direct marketing (including profiling) or other purposes. You can exercise these rights free of charge by contacting us using the details in the “Contact us” section below.

You may object to personal data processed pursuant to our legitimate interest. In such case, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate appropriate, overriding legitimate grounds for the processing or if needed for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. You may also object at any time to processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes by clicking “Unsubscribe” within an automated marketing email or by submitting your request to with the subject line “GDPR Notice” (the latter for instances where, for example, you would not like to receive follow-ups from our sales team). In such case, your personal data will no longer be used for that purpose.

12. Informational Purposes Only

The content on the Website is for general informational purposes only, may or may not reflect the most current legal developments, and is not a substitute for legal advice from a qualified attorney licensed in the relevant jurisdiction. Accordingly, you should not act upon any information provided on this site without first seeking professional advice.

13. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we do, we will let you know by posting the changed Privacy Policy on this page with a new “Effective Date. By accessing the Services after we make any such changes to this Privacy Policy, you are deemed to have accepted such changes. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not access or use the website or Services. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time without notice to you. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy periodically and to be aware of any modifications.  Your continued use of the website or Services after such modifications will constitute your acknowledgement of the modified Privacy Policy agreement to abide and be bound by the modified Privacy Policy.

14. Children’s privacy

The Services are not aimed at children and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18 through the Services. If you are under 18, please do not give us any personal information. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children to never provide personal information without their permission. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 18 has provided personal information to us, please contact us at, and we will endeavor to delete that information from our databases.

15. Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments regarding our privacy practices, you may contact us at:

Effective Date: July 2024